United States
Please select the business unit/bank where your business is located from the following lists.
Customer Support contact
Language(s) supported
English, Spanish
It’s now easier for you to contact us using the HSBCnet Mobile app
Log on to the HSBCnet Mobile app and use the ‘Call us’ button to quickly get help when you need it. Since you’re already logged on to the app, you won’t have to answer any security questions before speaking to an agent.
1866 357 4722 (Local calling charges may apply)
+1 716 841 0020 (International Number)
Opening Hours (excluding public holidays): Monday – Friday 8:00 – 19:00 Local (GMT -5) (These service hours are only applicable for support in Spanish)
Language(s) supported
44 08000778982
Opening Hours (excluding public holidays): Monday - Friday 08.00 - 18.00 EST (GMT+1)
Language(s) supported
1866 357 4722 (Local calling charges may apply)
+1 716 841 0020 (International Number)
Opening Hours (excluding public holidays): Monday - Friday 09.00- 18.00 EST ( GMT -5)
Securities services include fund accounting and administration, performance measurement, transfer agency services, global custody, sub-custody and clearing, as well as providing access to the entire range of industry leading products and services offered by the HSBC Group.
Language(s) supported
Asia Timezone: Cantonese,
Mandarin, English
Europe Timezone: English
America Timezone: English
+ 852 2288 2514 (Local calling charges may apply) Asia Time zone
+ 44 345 602 8850 (Local calling charges may apply) Europe Time zone
+1 866 357 4722 (Local calling charges may apply) America Time zone
Opening Hours (excluding public holidays): 24/5 Support