SSIs Terms of Use

By accessing and/or using the Standard Settlement Instructions via HSBCnet (“SSIs”), you (the “User”) signify that you have read and that you understand and agree to be bound by these SSIs Terms of Use. You also signify that you are fully authorised by your company to access and use this Site and the SSIs. These SSIs Terms of Use are in addition to and do not supersede any terms and conditions governing your use of HSBCnet including, without limitation, the ‘Terms and Conditions of Use’, the ‘Privacy and Data Protection Statement’ and the relevant customer agreement governing your company’s use of HSBCnet, if applicable (collectively “HSBCnet Terms”), all of which shall also apply to your access to and use of this website and the SSIs. If there are any inconsistencies between the HSBC Terms and these Terms of Use, these Terms of Use shall prevail insofar as the SSIs are concerned. The terms used in these SSIs Terms of Use shall have the definition as specified in the Terms and Conditions of Use.

You may only use the SSIs strictly as necessary for the intended business purposes of the company whom you represent. You may not make use of the SSIs for any other purposes without our express consent. We may revoke the rights given to you herein at any time with or without notice and with or without cause.

You agree to comply with any security procedures and reasonable instructions regarding security of the Site and the SSIs that we may issue. You shall keep the password and username that you use to access the SSIs confidential and secure at all times and you shall be the only person who uses such password and username.

As you are aware, the SSIs will be updated from time to time. It is your responsibility solely to ensure that you use a current version of the SSIs as posted on this Site. We warrant that at the time that you access the SSIs on this Site, the SSIs displayed on this Site are accurate.

The Site may be temporarily unavailable from time to time for maintenance or other reasons and neither we nor any member of the HSBC Group assume any responsibility therefore and we reserve the right to at any time suspend, discontinue or terminate the Site.

Neither we nor any member of the HSBC Group can be held liable or responsible to you or any one else under any circumstances for any loss to you, the company whom you represent or any one else who may suffer loss as a result of your access to and use of the SSIs.

Neither we nor any member of the HSBC Group warrant or represent that the SSIs and the Site are free from viruses or other harmful components. You should exercise caution when accessing the Site and in the use and downloading of the SSIs and you shall use industry-recognised software to detect and disinfect viruses.

We reserve the right to amend these SSIs Terms of Use at any time and from time to time. We will notify you of such amendments via the Site or such other means as we shall determine. Your continued access to or use of the Site or the SSIs after the said amendments shall for all purposes constitute your agreement to the said amendments.

These SSIs Terms of Use are governed by and shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the country in which you are accessing the Site and you agree to irrevocably submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of that country.

Standard Settlement Instructions documents

Ensure easy and efficient transactions with HSBC Bank plc (HSBC) by carefully following these Standard Settlement Instructions in the products denoted, unless otherwise specified, at transaction level. The instructions within the attached documents, which replace all previous editions, ensure that you get correct payment/delivery.

As an emerging markets-led and financing-focused bank, we provide coverage in 67 countries and territories. If you require HSBC's Standard Settlement Instructions for a particular product stream, please contact your local HSBC representative.

Standard Settlement Instructions documents - UK and Europe

Standard Settlement Instructions documents - Latin America

Standard Settlement Instructions documents - USA and Bermuda

Standard Settlement Instructions documents - Asia Pacific

Standard Settlement Instructions documents - Middle East