SSIs Terms of Use
By accessing and/or using the Standard Settlement Instructions via HSBCnet (“SSIs”), you (the “User”) signify that you have read and that you understand and agree to be bound by these SSIs Terms of Use. You also signify that you are fully authorised by your company to access and use this Site and the SSIs. These SSIs Terms of Use are in addition to and do not supersede any terms and conditions governing your use of HSBCnet including, without limitation, the ‘Terms and Conditions of Use’, the ‘Privacy and Data Protection Statement’ and the relevant customer agreement governing your company’s use of HSBCnet, if applicable (collectively “HSBCnet Terms”), all of which shall also apply to your access to and use of this website and the SSIs. If there are any inconsistencies between the HSBC Terms and these Terms of Use, these Terms of Use shall prevail insofar as the SSIs are concerned. The terms used in these SSIs Terms of Use shall have the definition as specified in the Terms and Conditions of Use.
You may only use the SSIs strictly as necessary for the intended business purposes of the company whom you represent. You may not make use of the SSIs for any other purposes without our express consent. We may revoke the rights given to you herein at any time with or without notice and with or without cause.
You agree to comply with any security procedures and reasonable instructions regarding security of the Site and the SSIs that we may issue. You shall keep the password and username that you use to access the SSIs confidential and secure at all times and you shall be the only person who uses such password and username.
As you are aware, the SSIs will be updated from time to time. It is your responsibility solely to ensure that you use a current version of the SSIs as posted on this Site. We warrant that at the time that you access the SSIs on this Site, the SSIs displayed on this Site are accurate.
The Site may be temporarily unavailable from time to time for maintenance or other reasons and neither we nor any member of the HSBC Group assume any responsibility therefore and we reserve the right to at any time suspend, discontinue or terminate the Site.
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We reserve the right to amend these SSIs Terms of Use at any time and from time to time. We will notify you of such amendments via the Site or such other means as we shall determine. Your continued access to or use of the Site or the SSIs after the said amendments shall for all purposes constitute your agreement to the said amendments.
These SSIs Terms of Use are governed by and shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the country in which you are accessing the Site and you agree to irrevocably submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of that country.
Standard Settlement Instructions documents
Ensure easy and efficient transactions with HSBC Bank plc (HSBC) by carefully following these Standard Settlement Instructions in the products denoted, unless otherwise specified, at transaction level. The instructions within the attached documents, which replace all previous editions, ensure that you get correct payment/delivery.
As an emerging markets-led and financing-focused bank, we provide coverage in 67 countries and territories. If you require HSBC's Standard Settlement Instructions for a particular product stream, please contact your local HSBC representative.
Standard Settlement Instructions documents - UK and Europe
- Armenia: List of SSI for Treasury Transactions and Commercial Payments
- Czech Republic: Fixed Income Securities
- Czech Republic: FX, MM and Derivatives
- France: Cash Equities
- France: Debt Capital Markets
- France: New Issues Cash Payments
- France: Fixed Income Securities
- France: Fixed Income New Issue Fees Payment instructions
- France: GBAO mandats de conseils et moratoires PEF
- France: Investment Banking Advisory
- France: Investment Banking ECM
- France: ISV - Dette Conventionelle
- France: SEPA
- Germany: Sub-Custodian Network Details
- Germany: Cash SSI for Securities Lending and Collateral
- Germany: Cash SSI for Stock Exchange and OTC Trades
- Germany: Corporate Trust and Loan Agency SSIs
- Germany: Capital Financing and Investment Banking Coverage
- Germany: HSBC Germany SSI for Commercial and Treasury
- Ireland: Funds Fee Billing SSI's
- Italy: SSI for M&A
- Luxembourg: Funds Fee Billing SSI’s
- South Africa: Securities and Treasury
- South Africa: Standard Settlement Instructions Receivables
- UK: Advisory/M&A
- UK: Asset Services Market Claims SSI
- UK: Asset Services CHOS Claims SSI
- UK: Cash Equities
- UK: Clearing Operations (OTC and ETD) Collateral and Stock SSI's
- UK: Dividend SSIs
- UK: Equity Capital Markets and Debt Capital Markets
- UK: Equity (Hong Kong Branch) SSIs
- UK: Equity (Milan Branch) SSIs
- UK: Equity (Paris Branch) SSIs
- UK: Equity (USA Branch) SSIs
- UK: Fee Billing SSI's
- UK: Fixed Income Cash Payment Instructions
- UK: Fixed Income New Issue Fees Payment instructions
- UK: Fixed Income New Issue Payment instructions
- UK: Fixed Income Security SSIs
- UK: Funds Fee Billing SSI’s
- UK: FX MM (Amsterdam Branch) SSIs
- UK: FX MM (Brussels Branch) SSIs
- UK: FX MM (Dublin Branch) SSIs
- UK: FX MM (Luxembourg Branch) SSIs
- UK: FX MM (Zurich Branch) SSIs
- UK: FX MM OTC Derivatives Futures SSIs
- UK: GBM Asset Services - Fixed Income
- UK: Global Corporate Actions London
- UK: Global Custody UK Overseas Settlements
- UK: Global Specialised Finance
- UK : HBEU Principal - Equity SSIs
- UK: HSBC Holdings
- UK: HSBC Holdings: Fixed Income Cash SSI
- UK: HSBC Holdings: Fixed Income Securities SSI
- UK: HSBC UK Bank plc: Fixed Income Derivatives & Collateral SSI's
- UK: HSBC UK Bank plc: Fixed Income Security SSI's
- UK: HSBC UK Bank plc: FX MM SSI's
- UK: HSBC UK Bank plc: Loan Administration SSIs
- UK: HSBC Innovation Bank Limited: Inward Payments SSIs
- UK: HSBC Innovation Bank Limited: Loan Administration SSIs
- UK: HSBC Bank USA N.A. London Branch, Metals
- UK: HSBC Securities Services Residual Settlements SSI's
- UK: HSS Agents Charges IFS SSIs
- UK: HSS Securities Lending Fees SSIs London
- UK: Insurance Holdings Ltd
- UK: ISV Corporate Trust Client Account SSI
- UK: ISV Corporate Trust Nostro SSI
- UK: Loan Portfolio SSIs
- UK: Loan Sales and Trading SSIs
- UK: Loan Agency Operations SSIs
- UK: Loan Administration SSIs
- UK: Project And Export Finance Operations SSIs
- UK: Project Finance and Export Finance
- UK: Prime Finance Stock Borrow & Lending SSI SDI
- UK: Principal Investments
- UK: Securities Lending
- UK: Securities Lending Client HPBSAP SSI
- UK: Securities Lending Glory SSI
- UK: Securities Lending KSD/NH SSI
- UK: Securities Lending INHK SSI
- UK: Securities Lending CSOP2 SSI
- UK: Securities Lending China AMC SSI
- UK: Securities Lending Esun SSI
- UK: Securities Lending Default Cash SSI
- UK: Securities Lending MERLIN SSI
- UK: Securities Lending Cash Collateral SSI
- UK: Securities Lending Collateral SSI
- UK: Securities Lending INKA AIF SSI
- UK: Securities Lending Barmenia SSI
- UK: Securities Lending CSO303
- UK: Securities Lending CSOP SSI - CSO301
- UK: Securities Lending CSOP SSI - CSO302
- UK: Securities Lending LGI SSI
- UK: Securities Lending OASIS VALUE LONG FUND SSI
- UK: Securities Lending PAIF SSI
- UK: Securities Lending MERLIN-431
- UK: Securities Lending MERLIN-432
- UK: Securities Lending MERLIN-434
- UK: Securities Lending MERLIN-435
- UK: Securities Lending MERLIN-437
- UK: Securities Lending MERLIN-439
- UK: MSS Securities Lending - BSP SSI
- UK: MSS Securities Lending - NIKKO AM - NIK440 SSI
- UK: MSS Securities Lending - NIKKO AM - NIK932
- UK: MSS Securities Lending - SPARX Japan Sust. Equ. Fund - SPA081
- UK: MSS Securities Lending - SPARX - SPA832 SSI
- UK: Securities Lending AMHK SSI
- UK: Securities Lending HSVM SSI
- UK: Securities Lending VOLAR SSI
- UK: Structured Finance Group
- UK: Transaction Management
Standard Settlement Instructions documents - Latin America
- Brazil: FX, MM and Derivatives
- Chile: FX MM and Derivatives
- Colombia: FX and MMK
- Costa Rica: FX and MMK
- Mexico: Collateral
- México: FX and MMK and Derivatives
- Honduras: FX
- Uruguay: FX, MMK and Securities
Standard Settlement Instructions documents - USA and Bermuda
- Bermuda: Fixed Income - Bonds T-Bills and Notes
- Bermuda: FX, MMK and Derivatives
- Bermuda: JPY Securities
- USA: BankNotes
- USA: Cross Product Services - Claims
- USA: CTLA New York Standard Settlement Instruction
- USA: Debt Capital Markets
- USA: Delaware FRB
- USA: Delaware Demand Deposit Accounts
- USA: Delaware Money Market Transactions
- USA: Delaware HBUS Accounts
- USA: Delaware Security Settlements
- USA: Derivatives
- USA: Derivatives Cayman Branch
- USA: Equities - HSBC Bank USA
- USA: Equities - HSBC Custody
- USA: Equities ADR- HSBC Securities (USA) Inc
- USA: FFI Securities (Bonds) and FFI Cash
- USA: Fixed Income - HSBC Bank USA
- USA: Fixed Income - HSBC Securities Inc
- USA: Fixed Income - MBS
- USA: FX and MMK - HSBC Bank USA
- USA: Futures Cash and Collateral
- USA: Futures Cash and Collateral (HOUSE)
- USA: Futures (OCC) Cash SSI
- USA: Global Banking
- USA: Global Banking HBUS
- USA: Government Fixed Income Settlements HUSI
- USA: Loan Agency SSI
- USA: Loan Sales and Trading SSI
- USA: Mortgage Corp
- USA: HSBC Capital (USA) Inc. Amanah Business
- USA: HSBC Capital USA Legacy Portfolio
- USA: HSBC Capital USA
- USA: HSBC Equity Partners USA LP
- USA: HSBC Latin America Institutional Fund LP
- USA: HSBC Latin America Partners LP
- USA: HSBC Latin America Private Equity Investors LP
- USA: HSBC Markets (USA) Inc.
- USA: HSBC Mezzanine Partners USA LP
- USA: HSBC Private Equity Access Fund LP
- USA: HSBC Private Equity Advisors LLC
- USA: HSBC Private Equity Fund Partners USA LP
- USA: HSBC Private Equity Investors Cayman, LP
- USA: HSBC Private Equity Partners II USA LP
- USA: HSBC Real Estate Equity Partners USA LP
- USA: HSBC Real Estate Mezzanine Partners USA LP
- USA: Notes and CDs
- USA: Options
- USA: OTC Collateral Management
- USA: OTC Margin
- USA: OTC Swaps Clearing
- USA: OTC Swaps Clearing Operations (HOUSE)
- USA: Precious Metals
- USA: Precious Metals Vault Ops
- USA: Repo Collateral - HSI
- USA: Whole Loans
Standard Settlement Instructions documents - Asia Pacific
- Australia: Issuer Services SSI
- Australia: SSI List HBAP MAY 2024
- Australia: SSI List HKBA JANUARY 2025
- Australia: FEE BILLING SSI
- China: HBCN SSI SEP2024
- China: HBCN Custodian JAN24
- China: HBCN FTZ SSI SEP2024
- China: HBCN ISV - Loan Agency SSI (Telegraphic Transfer)
- China: HACN SSI
- Hong Kong: HSBC HK BOSS Billing Invoice Cash SSI Mar 2020
- Hong Kong: AMH CIB/CMB Loan Settlement(TT)
- Hong Kong: AMH CIB/CMB Loan Settlement(RTGs)
- Hong Kong: Asset and Structured Finance
- Hong Kong: Advisory Equity Capital Markets and Leveraged and Acquisition Finance
- Hong Kong: Clearing Agents for Asian Derivative Settlement - Oct 2021
- Hong Kong: Global Capital Markets
- Hong Kong: Precious Metals - SSI - November 2024
- Hong Kong: Project Finance and Export Finance
- Hong Kong: Collateral Management - Cash SSI and Securities SDI - June 2024
- Hong Kong: Debt Securities - FEB 2025
- Hong Kong: Debt Securities (GC Safekeeping Client) - Mar 2015
- Hong Kong: Debt Securities (GM Safekeeping Client) - Mar 2015
- Hong Kong: Derivatives Clearing Services and Cash Collateral Payment under ISDA Credit Support Annex - Feb 2020
- Hong Kong: Direct Custody and Clearing - Billing Invoices
- Hong Kong: Direct Custody and Clearing - Dividend Claims
- Hong Kong: Equities (Cash Instructions) - April 2023
- Hong Kong: Equities (Securities) - 09 October 2024
- Hong Kong: FX MM and Derivatives (All CCYs including RTGS ones) - March 2024
- Hong Kong: Stock Borrowing and Lending - November 2024
- Hong Kong: HSBC Broking Futures Limited - Dec 2021
- Hong Kong: HSBC Global Custody ASP SSIs
- Hong Kong: HSBC HK Private Banking Division - Cash SSI
- Hong Kong: HSBC HK Private Banking Division - SDI
- Hong Kong: CTLA - Corporate Trust SSI (Local RTGS) - 22 May 2013
- Hong Kong: ISV - Corporate Trust SSI (Telegraphic Transfer) - 16 Mar 2019
- Hong Kong: CTLA - Loan Agency SSI (Local RTGS) - 22 May 2013
- Hong Kong: ISV - Loan Agency SSI (Telegraphic Transfer) - 16 Mar 2019
- Hong Kong: ISV - Loan Admin SSI - July 2024
- Hong Kong: The Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited, Hong Kong Branch Standard Settlement Instructions – Collateral
- India: HBAP
- India: HBAP Gift City
- India: HSCI
- Indonesia: PT Bank HSBC Indonesia - Treasury SDI
- Indonesia: PT Bank HSBC Indonesia - Treasury SSI
- Indonesia: PT HSBC Sekuritas Indonesia
- Indonesia: Treasury - SDI
- Japan: HBAP Tokyo SDI Nov 2024
- Japan: Securities - IBJP SSI Jun 2024
- Japan: Securities - IBKK SSI Japanese_2024 Aug
- Japan: Securities - IBKK SDI Prop_2024 Aug
- Japan: Securities - IBKK SDI Safekeep_2024 Aug
- Japan: TKY Banking
- Japan: FX MM and Derivatives Oct 2024
- Korea: Treasury - Bond - Dec24
- Korea: Treasury - FX, MM and Derivatives - Feb24
- Korea: Treasury - FX, MM and Derivatives within local clearing systems - Sep24
- Korea: Securities - All GB&M Products (USD)
- Korea: Securities - All Other GB&M Products
- Korea: Securities - Equities
- Korea: Securities - Fixed Income/DCM/Advisory/ECM
- Korea: Securities - Index Futures and Options
- Macau: FX, MM and Derivatives - Feb 2024
- Malaysia: HBMY DCM SSI
- Malaysia: HBMS DCM SSI
- Malaysia: Labuan Offshore Banking Unit - Treasury
- Malaysia: HSBC Bank Malaysia Berhad - Treasury
- Malaysia: HSBC Amanah Malaysia Berhad - Treasury
- Malaysia: HSBC Corporate Advisory (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd.
- MY: Malaysia - HSS
- New Zealand: SSI List HSBC NZ MARCH 2024
- Philippines: HSBC Treasury SSI and SDI - Mar24
- Philippines: Treasury USD and PHP - Jul23
- Singapore (Subsidiary): Fixed Income and Negotiable Instrument - April 2016
- Singapore (Subsidiary): FX, MM and Derivatives - Feb 2024
- Singapore (Branch): Fixed Income and Negotiable Instrument - Aug 2023
- Singapore (Branch): FX, MM and Derivatives – Feb 2025
- Singapore: HSBC Standard Settlement Instructions for Advisory, Equity Capital Markets and Project Export Finance
- Singapore: HSBC Standard Settlement Instructions for Debt Capital Market and Tax Sales Credit
- Singapore: HSBC SG Private Banking Division - Cash SSI
- Singapore: HSBC SG Private Banking Division - SDI
- Sri Lanka: FX, MM and Derivatives June 2024
- Taiwan: Equities
- Taiwan: HBAP GMOPS_v7
- Taiwan: HBTW Mkts Ops TWD Fixed Income SSI 2021
- Taiwan: HBTW Mkts Ops FISC FCY SSI 2022
- Taiwan: HBTW Mkts Ops FCY Fixed Income SSI 2022
- Taiwan: HBTW Mkts Ops FCY Fixed Income SSI_2024 v1
- Thailand: Debt Securities - Oct 2015
- Thailand: FX, MM and Derivatives - Mar 2024
- Thailand: SSI - for Fees
- Vietnam: Restricted_HBVN's SSI_04Mar2024
- Vietnam: HBVN Treasury
Standard Settlement Instructions documents - Middle East
- Algeria: FX MM OTC Derivatives Collateral SSI
- Bahrain: FX MM OTC Derivatives Collateral SSI
- Bahrain: Loan Settlement
- Bahrain Offshore: Loan Settlement
- DIFC: FX MM OTC Derivatives Collateral SSI
- Dubai: FX MM OTC Derivatives Collateral SSI
- Dubai: Global Markets
- Dubai: HBME Head Office
- Dubai: HSBC Bank Middle East - DIFC Branch
- Dubai: HSBC Middle East Leasing Partnership
- Dubai: HSBC Exfin Partnership
- Dubai: Private Bank Suisse SA
- Dubai: Product Control
- Dubai: Loan Settlement
- Egypt: FX MM OTC Derivatives Collateral SSI
- Kuwait: FX MM OTC Derivatives Collateral SSI
- Kuwait: Loan Settlement
- MENAT: HMBE Issuer Services SSI
- Oman: FX MM OTC Derivatives Collateral SSI
- Qatar: FX MM OTC Derivatives Collateral SSI
- Qatar: Loan Settlement
- Turkey: FX MM OTC Derivatives Collateral SSI
- UAE: Abu Dhabi: HSBC ADGM
- UAE: Dubai: Global Banking