Disclaimer: Past performance is not a guide to future performance and may not be repeated. The value of investments and the income from them may go down as well as up and investors may not get back the amounts originally invested. All investments involve risks including the risk of possible loss of principal.

Investor Insight
HSBC Securities Services - Global Distribution Support and Transfer Agency.
Investor Insight provides investors, distributors and agents secure 24/7 access to fund holdings with participating global fund managers.
For more information, select your country or region below.
Getting started with Investor Insight |
Select a user guide that corresponds to your role: User guide for individual investors (PDF) | English User guide for professional investors (PDF) | English User guide for advisors (PDF) | English To see key Investor Insight features in practice, select a demonstration video that corresponds to your role: Demo for professional investors | English
Register for access |
To register for Investor Insight access, complete a registration form that corresponds to your role, and return this to your local Investor Services team. Registration form for individual investors (PDF) | English Registration form for professional investors (PDF) | English Registration form for advisors (PDF) | English Registration form for related parties (PDF) | English
For support with using Investor Insight, contact your local Investor Services team. Please refer to your investor welcome letter for contact details. |
Getting started with Investor Insight |
For an overview of the service, including how to logon, please refer to the user guide: Investor Insight user guide (PDF) | English
To see key Investor Insight features in practice, click the link below: Investor Insight demo | English
Register for access |
To register for Investor Insight access, complete a registration form that corresponds to your role, and return this to your local Investor Services team. Registration form for individual investors (PDF) | English Registration form for professional investors (PDF) | English
For support with using Investor Insight, contact your local Investor Services team. Please refer to your investor welcome letter for contact details. |
Getting started with Investor Insight |
Please select a user guide that corresponds to your role: User guide for individual investors (PDF) | English User guide for professional investors (PDF) | English
To see key Investor Insight features in practice, click the link below: Investor Insight demo | English
Register for access |
To register for Investor Insight access, complete a registration form that corresponds to your role, and return this to your local Investor Services team. Registration form for individual investors (PDF) | English Registration form for professional investors (PDF) | English
Please note: Access to Investor Insight requires use of the HSBCnet Mobile app. Additional information about supported locations and devices can be found on the HSBCnet Mobile website.
For support with using Investor Insight, contact your local Investor Services team. Please refer to your investor welcome letter for contact details. |
Getting started with Investor Insight |
To see key Investor Insight features in practice, click the link below: Investor Insight demo | English
Register for access or receive support |
To register for Investor Insight access or for help with using the service, contact your local Investor Services team. Please refer to your investor welcome letter for contact details. |